Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review

Why am I doing this? Everyone already knows I'm not a huge Power Rangers fan, I don't really get something out of hating the Power Rangers, so why, Creepy? Why do you torment me (blog post) with these crossovers? ARE horror movie YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! Because I certainly wasn't.Source: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review - Decker Shado Mor

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Doom Annihilation Movie Review

Ahh, movies based on video games. It's not like we haven't been down this road before, considering I've already reviewed the original Doom movie with The Rock in it. Doom: Annihilation seeks to... movie reviews um, well can't really say they were actually trying to right the wrongs of the past. After all, this one's a straight-to-video romp throu

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